CRISP RFP to Review MDPCP Data Tools

Since 2019, CRISP, the state Health Information Exchange (HIE) in Maryland, has worked closely with the Maryland Primary Care Program (MDPCP) to support over 500 primary care practices that participate in this unique advanced primary care model. CRISP provides both provider point of care tools through our HIE Portal as well as a comprehensive reporting […]

CRISP RFP: Total Cost of Care Monitoring Tool

To support hospitals and primary care providers in improving quality and reducing cost under the Model,  CRISP has identified a need for an additional tool that allows hospitals and their providers to understand and benchmark their costs of care against relevant State and National standards to pursue targeted cost management strategies. CRISP is seeking a […]

CRISP RFP: Annual Financial Statement Audit and Related Tax Services

CRISP is seeking a vendor to perform annual financial statement audits and related tax services for the next five years. The successful Offeror will be a Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm with expertise in conducting audits and tax services for not-for-profit organizations in Maryland, West Virginia, District of Columbia, and/or other states. DOWNLOAD FULL RFP […]

CRISP RFP: Maryland Model Analytics Consultant

CRISP is seeking a vendor(s) to evaluate specific aspects of the Maryland Total Cost of Care (TCOC) model and care transformation efforts throughout the state. The vendor will securely access administrative claims data and other healthcare data as needed in order to address one or more investigative analysis questions. The vendor will work with CRISP […]

CRISP RFP: Improving Nursing Facility Quality Through Data Integration

You are invited to submit a proposal to the Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP) to build a statewide information technology solution to connect and integrate Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) in Maryland through CRISP as the State-Designated Health Information Exchange (HIE). CRISP’s goal is to partner with a vendor to provide technical integrations […]

Request For Information: Hospital eCQM Data Collection

Click here to read CRISP’s Responses to Vendor Questions CRISP is seeking to understand the landscape of data vendors that can collect hospital Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs) from all Maryland hospitals on a quarterly basis starting in CY2022.Potential vendors will have the ability to accept manually input data, approve data from multiple hospital EHR […]

OnDemand Document/National Network Initiating Query FAQ

General FAQ Q: Would CRISP like two separate, 10-page proposals for the National Network Query Initiator RFP and OnDemand Document RFP? Or would CRISP like one 10-page proposal that addresses both RFPs? A: One document per RFP.   Q: What is/are the API(s) that CRISP has for your consent module?  A: CRISP will provide an API […]

National Networks Initiating Gateway

CRISP is seeking to procure a National Network Query Initiator solution for the purpose of initiating and retrieving documents using standard ITI conventions. CRISP has strong preference for a solution which fits within our existing Azure framework. An alternate hosted solution will also be considered with explanation of the technology used and pricing requirements. The solution will have the ability […]

OnDemand Document Query

CRISP is seeking to procure a National Network OnDemand Document Solution.  The main purpose of this solution is to create OnDemand Documents which conform to the C-CDA R2.1 – HL7 CDA R2 Implementation Guide and can successfully pass eHealth Exchange Content testing requirements. Connections would be easily made to a variety of downstream systems to […]